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5 Star Review on Google by Dave Berry

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5 Star Review on Google by Luc Guillemette

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5 Star Review on Google

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5 Star Review on Google by Olga Lucia Alvarez

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5 Star Review on Google by Filip Ambroziak

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5 Star Review on Google by Kick Gas Lawn Care

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5 Star Review on Google by 369 News

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5 Star Review on Google by Eric L

5 Star Review on Google - Click Review For 5 Star Link Source : Google

5 Star Review on Google by Rob Gallo

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5 Star Review on Google by Amanda Willson

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5 Star Review on Google by Benito Suppa

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5 Star Review on Google by Peter Pekelny

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5 Star Review on Google by Surinder Prashad

5 Star Review on Google - Click Review For 5 Star Link Source : Google

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SEO Marketing Done Right Produces Real Results.

At Search Gurus Inc., our primary goal is to help businesses do business, with a strategy. Working with our customers, Search Gurus can design a custom SEO marketing strategy based on our clients' business goals and integrate these goals with new media.

Search Gurus Inc. works closely with clients allowing them to discover and understand just how important they are in the SEO process. After all, no one knows your business better than you do.

How Do We Do It?

We stay ahead of the SEO curve - not because we have to, but because we categorically love everything 'search'. emerged from an idea spawned after years of working with customers and helping them with everything from domain name registration, web hosting and web design. Once a company's online presence had been established, the natural and logical evolution in our service offering was how to get them found, or SEO.

It's all about findability. Call today.

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" Our company procrastinated for a long time, for many reasons, before making the big decision to finally develop a much needed new website. Over the years we had many companies offer their services. Once we were committed to the new site, we looked seriously into many more website design companies. I’m sure these other companies were competent and would have done a good job but they did not stand out. Search Gurus, on the other hand, stood out to us immediately and made a big impact on our development team from the very first meeting! It was Paul’s passion, commitment, knowledge, expertise and vision that set his company apart from the rest! We instantly had an excellent rapport with him! We had been developing the visual design and content for our site for some time. Paul shared our vision and worked with us to bring it to life offering his technical expertise and best practices to optimize our site. Since I have been labelled a “control freak” over the years and I have to confess there is some truth to this, I have many times found myself somewhat disappointed working with other companies on various projects. It seemed that I never got exactly what I wanted. In the case of our website with Search Gurus, I could not have been happier with the end result…and continue to be thrilled with the development moving forward. As I mentioned, Paul and John shared our vision and at times they added their own design elements into the site. Normally, being the control freak that I am, this should have caused me some stress but their design choices were always in-line with the look and feel we wanted. I have complete confidence in them! Enough about the design…the other important service offered by Search Gurus is Search Engine Optimization. Paul and John’s deep knowledge of search engine rankings is outstanding and they continue to stay on top of the latest developments to ensure our site continues to rank high in the search engine results. The combination of good design and SEO is essential to a successful site and we have achieved this with Search Gurus! Our business has seen a significant increase in sales since the new site launched and we now have customers coming in asking for specific tiles instead of browsing in the store. They have already done the research and know what they want when they come in. Moving forward with Search Gurus, I continue to be impressed at how quickly they respond to updates and changes I request from them. We are now beginning to implement Social Media into our site and Paul and John are excellent in helping me understand the inner workings of the various Social Media sites. They are always open for me to bounce questions and ideas off them and I really appreciate it! I feel guilty that I have not written this review earlier but I wanted to ensure that when I did write one it truly captured our experience with Search Gurus. I wish Paul & John all the best as their company continues to grow. Excellent work guys…thank you!  "

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